Get Your Tickets To Attend Our 3 Day LIVE Virtual Event, "Lose It! LIVE"!
You're About To Discover The Secrets To Smashing Your Weight Loss Goals and 
Uncovering Your Dream Body without Counting Calories or Points!
This 3 Day Virtual Event For Women Who Want to Lose 50, 75, 100+ Pounds Includes:
  • Erin will break down the exact steps she took to lose 120 pounds during this Virtual Event, taking questions all LIVE! You will discover why permanent weight loss requires more than just reducing calories or counting points.
  • Learn how to create your own Dream Body Game Plan, customized to address the unique root causes of YOUR weight problem and help you get the best, easiest, most lasting results.
  • Live Q&A and laser coaching with attendees to help them crush their weight loss goals! Erin will bring some people on and work with them LIVE!
  • January 20, 21, and 22 from 10AM-5PM EST!
January 20th, 21st, & 22nd
  • ​​​Your Dream Body Game Plan:  How to create a customized plan of attack that will identify and address the unique root causes of your weight problem to get you the best, fastest results! (You'll leave here KNOWING how to identify your root cause and identify any hidden causes of weight loss resistance you don't even know you have!)
  • ​​Eating for Weight Loss Workshop: Erin will show you the easiest way to eat for weight loss that can be customized to suit your preferences and your unique body.
  • ​​The 60 Day Slim™ System: A complete walk-through of my proven weight loss scheduling tactic that is super effective and requires less effort, willpower and discipline than other methods that you have tried!
  • The Plan Your Year Workshop: A complete walk-through of the best way to plan out your year so that you meet your weight loss goals but can still live your life.
  • ​​Self-Sabotage Workshop:  The real reason you self-sabotage your efforts and what to do to stop it.
  • ​The Motivation Workshop: My biggest secret for how to uncover the most effective motivation and tap into it daily.
  • ​The Willpower Workshop: How to tap into your willpower when you need it most, plus the way of eating that almost completely eliminates the need for willpower in the first place!

Meet Your Trainer for this 
Transformational Event!

Erin Adrie

Erin is the CEO of Make This Your Year, a weight loss program for women seeking life-changing weight loss. She battled her weight growing up and went on her first diet in high school. She experimented and researched, trying every weight loss program under the sun for over two decades, losing and gaining the same 20-40 pounds again and again. That all changed when she found a way to lose more in 60 days than she was used to losing in an entire year.
This path was far from easy, but Erin lost 120 pounds by tackling her sluggish metabolism, inflammation, digestion issues, emotional eating and stress eating, willpower and impulse control, decision making, rationalizing, and mindless eating. 
Now she’s on a mission to help 10,000 women do the same and lose a life-changing amount of weight, increase their confidence, regain control of their lives and crush their weight loss goals once and for all!
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*Earnings and income representations made by Dan Henry, and and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Omni Marketing LLC") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. People that don't work hard to give up easily, get ZERO results. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.
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